Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, my dear blogreaders, As promised, this is the continuation of my previous blogpost. This topic is definitely a big topic which is not possible for me to lumped everything into one blogpost, for the fear of information overloaded. So, lets begin. As we all know, anything that happens in life, there is always repercussions that can affect us from individual...
When Reality Kicks In...(Part 2) What Is The World Coming To?
financial literacy 12/13/2016 07:51:00 am Bismillah. Assalammualaikum, my dear blogreaders. I hope all of you are in the pink of health. As promised in my previous blogpost, I'll be sharing on current issues which has repercussions on a world perspective, country perspective, company perspective and individual perspective. The topic I'm covering will be quite a big topic which will be spread into a series of blogpost which I...
Bismillah... Assalammualaikum my dear loyal blog readers. Salam Ramadhan Mubarak to all my Muslim blogreaders. It has been two months since I blogged a new topic (exclude seminar/talk summaries), duly because April was the month of exam preparation and exams for my first trimester and May was the start of my second trimester. Some may wonder why I took up double major in...
Bismillah. Assalamu'alaikum my dear loyal blog readers, Last Sunday, 8th May 2016, my team and I had our very first talk at Guthrie Building, "Q&A On Money Matters". It was alhamdulillah, great audience who spare some time to come down and get their doubts cleared by seeking solution from us. Thank you audience for the great feedback and we look forward to hosting...
Investment Trading (Add-On to Seminar: Steps To Start Your Investment Journey From Ground Zero by Azmi Zainal)
finance 4/03/2016 02:50:00 pm Bismillah... Assalammualaikum my dear blogreaders. I managed to spend my Saturday (26 March 2016) afternoon for an Investment talk. I remembered that I was first exposed to Investments back then in Nanyang Polytechnic-Diploma in Fund Management and Administration. I start learning to trade financial instruments such as Stocks, FOREX and others which I have not learn to trade (ETF, REITs, Options, Derivatives, Commodities,...